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Siege Mortar: D75-V D75-S D75-D D75-B
Range 50-84 60-84 50-84 60-84
Damage 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,600
Building Damage 1,680 1,680 1,680 3,200
Reload Time 7 7 7 7
D / RT 171.4 171.4 171.1 228.6
D / RT (Buildings) 240 240 240 457
Type Explosive Explosive Explosive Explosive
Splash 12 18 12 18
Spread 120 100 120 100
Weight 1,800 Tons 1,800 Tons 1,800 Tons 1,800 Tons
Combat Speed 10 - - -
Armor Points 200 150 400 1,200
Ballistic Defense - - - +10%
Parts 7 8 8 Forsaken Mission

Intelligence Lab 9

Victory Mortar 4

Intelligence Lab 10

Victory Mortar 4

Intelligence Lab 9

Victory Mortar 4

Tier 3 3 3 FM-3
Build Time 1d 19h 45m 1d 19h 45m 1d 19h 45m
Build Oil 4,200,000 4,200,000 4,200,000
Build Metal 3,360,000 3,360,000 3,360,000
Build Energy 3,360,000 3,360,000 3,360,000
Build Zynthium 8,400,000 8,400,000 8,400,000 ?


  • The top of the line, as far as base-crushing weapons are concerned.
  • With four times the building damage of the Shockwave Mortar, and far superior splash radius, the Siege Mortar is something to be feared.
  • Its massive weight and minimum range are really the only limiting factors holding it back, but in the hands of an experienced player, they can walk through just about any base, making even DU 4 turrets melt like butter from the massive damage.
  • The D75-B is the new ultimate Siege Mortar, with close to double the building damage and bonuses to Armor and Ballistic Defense.

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